Download ePass 2003 e-Token Driver: Download Driver Now Installation Guide Open the folder where the setup file (driver) is downloaded, and double-click on it. This Page provides links to Gemalto tokens driver's download pages.
Previ a la instal·lació del programari, si encara no tens un lectors de targetes criptogràfiques, consulta la llista de lectors homologats.
Seguidament, instal·la al teu ordinador el programari Safesign per poder fer ús de la T-CAT, segons el sistema operatiu que tinguis instal·lat a la teva màquina (cal desinstal·lar prèviament les versions antigues)
Safesign per a Microsoft Windows
Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (32 bits) 3.0.124
Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (64 bits) 3.0.124
Safesign per a Linux
Linux Debian 32 bits
Linux Debian 64 bitS
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Safesign per a MAC
Nota important: En el cas de disposar del programari per a l’ús del DNI electrònic a l’ordinador on s’instal·larà el Safesign, es necessari verificar que la versió instal·lada d’aquest programari (e-DNI), és la darrera disponible. En cas contrari, es podria veure afectat el correcte funcionament del Safesign.
Hp drivers for mac. Contingut relacionat:
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Is SafeSign IC compatible with Windows 10?
Both, Microsoft and AET Europe have tested and approved the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of SafeSign IC 3.0.112 in combination with Windows 10. Here is an overview of known issues:
Version 1511: During the Windows 10 Anniversary update you may need to de-install SafeSign 3.0.112 or 3.0.113 when a message pops up. Read more here >.
Upgrade 1511 to 1607: Reported issues of SafeSign IC 3.0.112 know from the Support team of AET with upgrade Windows 10 from 1511 to 1607. Advice is to skip the 1607 version and upgrade directly to version 1703.
Version 1607: No issues known.
Upgrade 1607 to 1703: No issues known.
Version 1703: No issues known.
If we have new insights AET will inform you about it.
Where can I download the latest version of SafeSign IC?
Issues with November update of Windows 10 Enterprise (version 1511 build 10586)
Does SafeSignIC support Apple Keychain?
Would we need any drivers or software apart from SafeSign middleware when using IDP tokens?
Signature of SafeSign corrupt or invalid in IE
Would we need any drivers or software apart from SafeSign middleware when using IDP tokens?
Safesign Token Drivers For Mac
Can I use SafeSign IC on VMWare?
Does SafeSign IC support the RSA SecurID SID800 token?
The RSA SecurID SID800 authenticator is a multi-function device that combines the features of the RSA SecurID hardware authenticator with a smart chip based on Sun Java technology, packaged together in a more convenient USB form factor. This single authenticator is designed to generate time synchronous onetime- passwords (OTP) for anytime, anywhere access, support PKI for authentication, digital signatures and file encryption and securely store password information; making it an ideal choice for a wide range of environments where diverse system, application and customer needs exist.
The RSA SecurID SID800 USB-Token is supported by SafeSign IC like a normal JavaCard.
Please keep in mind that to use any JavaCard with SafeSign IC, the SafeSign IC Applet must be loaded on the token. This SafeSign IC applet can be pre-loaded on the token, or loaded by SafeSign IC as part of the initialization of the token.
In either scenario, to be able to load the applet, the KeySet used to protect the token must be known. If the token was set with a custom KeySet during production, this KeySet must be obtained from the manufacturer (i.e. RSA) to be able to prepare the token for use with SafeSign IC.
Would we need any drivers or software apart from SafeSign middleware when using Marx CrypTokens?
Since the token has an integrated Omnikey reader, the driver for the Cardman 6121 can be used. But the token is CCID compatible, which means that most OS’s like Linux and MAC OS X support the token without additional drivers.
Just install SafeSign Identity Client and start!